Rumi Love Quotes

Rumi Love Quotes’ timeless wisdom and profound emotional resonance have captured people’s attention for decades. His love quotes transcend the commonplace and speak straight to the soul. They are based on the mystical teachings of Rumi, a Persian poet and Sufi mystic who lived in the 13th century. Rumi’s words offer important insights, whether you’re looking for inspiration in romantic relationships or delving deeper into your spiritual connection and self-love. His poetry offers insight into the beauty and strength of love, which is consoling and enlightening in the fast-paced world of today.

Rumi love quotes can create sentiments of coziness, healing, and oneness. They can be straightforward declarations of adoration or more nuanced meditations on the nature of the heart. Whether you’ve always admired Rumi or are only now discovering his writings, his words have the power to change people’s lives and attitudes toward love.

The Most Famous Rumi Quotes

Rumi Love Quotes

  1. “Why do you prefer to crawl through life when you were born with wings?”
  2. Allow the weird pull of something you truly love to draw you in silently. You won’t get lost with it.
  3. “Where the Light enters you is through the wound.”
  4. “You are seeking what you seek.”
  5. “Avoid grieving. Everything you lose resurfaces in a different way.
  6. “Love is the thing that connects you to everything.”
  7. Raise your voice, not your words. Rain, not thunder, is what makes flowers grow.
  8. “Until your heart opens, you have to break it repeatedly.”
  9. “Let your work reflect the beauty of what you love.”
  10. “Finally, lovers don’t meet in one place. They have always been in each other.”
  11. Since I was smart yesterday, I wanted to make the world a better place. Since I’ve gained wisdom today, I’m changing.
  12. “Never settle for tales of how things were handled by others. Develop your own myth.
  13. “Be in love wherever you are and whatever you do.”
  14. “Your task is to find all the barriers you have built against love within yourself, not to seek for love.”
  15. “You had potential from birth. You were good and trustworthy from birth.
  16. “Pay attention to how things blend; why are you so busy with this or that, good or bad?”
  17. “Shine with the grace and tenderness of the sun. Be like the night that covers the mistakes of others.
  18. “A field exists beyond concepts of wrongdoing and rightdoing. There, I’ll meet you.
  19. There is eloquence in stillness. Give up weaving and see how the design gets better.
  20. “Leave what is cozy behind. Put safety aside. Go where you’re afraid to go.

Inspirational Rumi Quotes on Love

  1. “Love is everything.” We are but fragments.
  2. “Your intuition is right. Proceed in that direction.
  3. “Love will, on its own, find its way through all languages.”
  4. “I choose to love you silently because I don’t find rejection in silence.”
  5. “I looked for you the moment I heard my first love story.”
  6. “Love is your very existence; it’s not an emotion.”
  7. Shut your eyes. Get swept away by love. Remain there.
  8. “Love pours down.” The earth accepts the will of the sky and endures the consequences.
  9. “Allow yourself to be silently pulled toward the things you truly love.”
  10. “The language of the heart is unique. A heart can communicate in a hundred thousand different ways.
  11. “To soar toward a secret sky is love.”
  12. “The door will open the moment you accept the troubles you’ve been dealt.”
  13. “Love is the thing that connects you to everything.”
  14. “I learn how to love in your light.”
  15. “Finally, lovers don’t meet in one place. They have always been in each other.”
  16. “Until your heart opens, you have to break it repeatedly.”
  17. “To touch the sky, one must come from the heart.”
  18. “Love wants to hold us upside down and shake all the bullshit out sometimes, just like a nice favor.”
  19. “Let your work reflect the beauty of what you love.”
  20. “Be in love wherever you are and whatever you do.”

These romantic quotations by Rumi encourage contemplation on the profound and uplifting qualities of love.

Rumi Quotes on Friendship

  1. “A genuine companion is one who perceives the suffering in your eyes while others only see the happy expression on your countenance.”
  2. “Light up your life.” Find those who encourage your flames.
  3. “Act as a ladder, a lifeboat, or a lamp. Aid in the soul-healing of someone.
  4. “Let friendship serve no purpose other than the spiritual development of its members.”
  5. “Only those who love with their eyes say goodbye.” Since there is no separation for those who love with all of their hearts.
  6. “You will have no friends if you search for someone who is perfect.”
  7. “Since life is fleeting, like a breath that is partially drawn, cultivate nothing but love.”
  8. Assist others who uplift you.
  9. “Remain near people who make you feel like sunshine.”
  10. “True freedom is possible in friendship.”
  11. “The soul has its own ears, which it uses to hear things the mind cannot comprehend.”
  12. “It is true that the wise are friendly.”
  13. “Friend others as you would be friends with yourself.”
  14. “Verses are an excuse. Words do not bind people together; rather, it is the inner link.
  15. “Lean on your friend’s heart for guidance; the heart is pure and honest.”

These sayings by Rumi about Friendship serve as a gentle reminder to value and care for our friends by capturing the essence and beauty of genuine companionship.

Rumi Quotes About Love, Life, and Light

Rumi Quotes About Love, Life, and Light

  1. “Where the light enters you is through the wound.”
  2. “Let your work reflect the beauty of what you love.”
  3. “You are seeking what you seek.”
  4. “Love is the thing that connects you to everything.”
  5. You don’t even resemble a drop of water. In a drop, you are the entire ocean.
  6. “Acquire yourself to every call that awakens your soul.”
  7. “Avoid grieving. Everything you lose resurfaces in a different way.
  8. “I learn how to love in your light.”
  9. “Letting go and holding on to things in life is a balance.”
  10. “Glow as though the entire cosmos is yours.”
  11. “Act as though the deck is stacked in your favor.”
  12. “Be in love wherever you are and whatever you do.”
  13. “Why do you prefer to crawl through life when you were born with wings?”
  14. “Stop being content with tales. Develop your own myth.
  15. “Since life is fleeting, like a breath that is partially drawn, cultivate nothing but love.”

These sayings by Rumi offer motivation for living life to the fullest, accepting love, and finding hope even in the most trying circumstances.


Rumi is credited with saying, "The wound is the place where the Light enters you," which illustrates how suffering may spur development and enlightenment.
Rumi's idea of love places a strong emphasis on universal and spiritual love since it helps us transform personally and establish a connection to the divine.
Rumi is credited with saying, "What you seek is seeking you," a well-known Sufi saying that implies our goals are in line with a higher spiritual purpose.
Rumi viewed marriage as a spiritual partnership based on mutual respect, love, and travels towards spiritual enlightenment.


Ultimately, Rumi’s perspectives on friendship, love, and life have a profound impact on people from all backgrounds and eras. His thought-provoking sayings serve as a powerful reminder of the transformational power of love and inspire us to pursue inner connection as well as connection with others. Rumi teaches us to accept our journeys, finding joy in our relationships and light in our wounds, via his knowledge. His way of thinking inspires us to live truly, nourishing our spirits and the relationships we have with one another. Love is the essence of existence, and when we consider Rumi’s teachings, we come to comprehend ourselves and the cosmos on a deeper level. By accepting Rumi’s teachings, we might be motivated to nurture love and light in our lives, enhancing our encounters and interpersonal connections in the process.

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